Obtaining a UFS HPC account

With the ever increasing role and importance of computing in a plethora of research fields, it become necesary for any research institution to provide their users with the computing infrastructure that enable them to conduct their chosen research.

Thus, the University of the Free State, throught ICT Services, provides their researchers with the UFS HPC.

When requesting an account, please read the user account policy before use.

Access to the UFS HPC is provided via a user account, which can be requested via the following steps:

  1. Send an email request to the UFS HPC team at hpc@ufs.ac.za. If not sending via the link, please include the subject line "User Account Request".

  2. Include the following information in the email:

    • Student number and/or Staff number
    • Name and Surname
    • Name and contact details of supervisor, in the case of post-graduate students
    • Department
  3. Upon account creation, you should receive an email from the hpc@ufs.ac.za account which includes login details and further instructions.

Please note: Account creation is a manual process performed by the UFS HPC staff, thus:

  • Depending on workload, there may be a short delay, however, please resend the request if you have not received any contact from the UFS HPC within 3 working days.
  • If there are any problems with the process, a member of the UFS HPC staff will contact you via the email address from which the request was sent.