Linux Terminal Tutorial - Performing File Operations


This section will demonstrate how to perform file operations in the Linux terminal. These operations include creating, deleting, copying, renaming and moving files and directories.

Create directories with mkdir

Navigate to the root of the the Tutorial directory and create a new directory named analysis:

$ mkdir analysis_nvt

Perform a ls to confirm that the directory was successfully created.

Now create a sub-directory top under the newly created analysis_nvt:

$ mkdir analysis_nvt/top

Create sub-directories using the -p option

Create similar directory structures for analysis_npt and analysis_md by using the -p option:

$ mkdir -p analysis_npt/top
$ mkdir -p analysis_md/top

Create empty files using touch

Create empty log files in each of the analysis_ directories using touch:

$ touch analysis_nvt/nvt_analysis.log
$ touch analysis_npt/npt_analysis.log
$ touch analysis_md/md_analysis.log

Copy files using cp

Copy the .top file from nvt_expr_1 to nvt_expr_1/top/ using cp:

$ cp nvt_expr_1/ analysis_nvt/top/

Now repeat for the other directories:

$ cp npt_expr_1/ analysis_npt/top/
$ cp md_expr_1/ analysis_md/top/

Copy multiple files simultaneously using cp

To copy multiple files, specify more than one file, with the destination being the final entry.

First create the directory structure_files in the Tutorial directory

$ mkdir structure_files

Next, copy the .gro file from each main directory to structure_files simultaneously:

$  cp  nvt_expr_1/nvt_expr_1.gro \
       npt_expr_1/npt_expr_1.gro \
       md_expr_1/md_expr_1.gro \

Note that the above is equivalent to:

$  cp  nvt_expr_1/nvt_expr_1.gro npt_expr_1/npt_expr_1.gro md_expr_1/md_expr_1.gro structure_files

The \ character can be used to type multi-line commands in the terminal and is especially useful for programs that require many options. By adding \ , the terminal will move to a new line and the end of the input is indicated by pressing enter after the final line of input.

Copy multiple files simultaneously using simple regular expressions

It is possible to copy multiple files using simple regular expressions. For example, if a group of files share a prefix (nvt) or suffix (.itp) you can copy all those files at once using cp.

Copy all the .itp files in the nvt_expr_1 to analysis_nvt/top/ directory using cp and a regular expression:

$ cp nvt_expr_1/*.itp  analysis_nvt/top/

In the example above the asterisk (*) signifies any number of characters followed by .itp. Thus all the file names ending in the .itp extension would be selected and thus copied.

Now repeat this process for the other main directories.

Copy a directory

To copy a directory and its contents, use the option -r. Make a copy of the newly created structure_files:

$ cp -r structure_files structure_files_backup

Move a directory using mv

To move a file or directory with mv is similar to how you used cp.

Create a directory backups and move the directory structure_files_backup to the newly created directory:

$ mkdir backups
$ mv structure_files_backup backups

Renaming files and directories using mv

Files and directories in Linux are renamed using the mv command. While you may use rename, note that it is simply an alias for the mv command.

To demonstrate this, cd into the directory structure_files_backup

$ cd backups/structure_files_backup

Rename the file md_expr_1.gro to md_expr_1.gro.original:

$ mv md_expr_1.gro md_expr_1.gro.original

cd back into the backups directory:

$ cd ..

Now rename the directory structure_files_backup to to_be_deleted:

$ mv structure_files_backup to_be_deleted

Delete files using rm

Delete the md_expr1.gro.original file in the to_be_deleted directory:

$ rm to_be_deleted/md_expr_1.gro.original

Delete directories using rm with the -d and -r options

Empty directories can be deleted by adding the -d option:

$ mkdir empty_dir
$ rm -d empty_dir

However, non-empty directories must be deleted by adding the -r option. This option will recursively delete everything in the directory.

Additionally, when using i, the terminal will prompt the user to confirm deletion of every file.

To demonstrate the above concept, delete the to_be_deleted directory using rm and the -dri combination of options:

$ rm -dri to_be_deleted/