How to transfer files to and from the UFS HPC


During the course of running jobs of the UFS HPC, users will be required to transfer files between their local computers and the UFS HPC.

This can be achieved in multiple ways depending on the OS that the user is running on their local computer. This page will step through the various ways that file transfers to and from the UFS HPC can be achieved.

Transfer files using a GUI program

In this guide, you will be introduced to WinSCP and Filezilla, which are GUI programs used to facilitate file transfers to a remote host. Both programs have a similar layout and function identically, thus the common features will be discussed here.

The layout of these programs, in order of appearance from the top to the bottom of the application screen, are as follows:

  • A group of input fields for the address to the remote site and user authentication information
  • A list box containing connection information
  • From here the window is vertically split into two halves
    • On the left is directory tree for the local file system
    • On the right is directory tree for the remote file system
  • Each directory tree has an explorer window showing the contents of the directory selected in the directory tree above it
  • At the bottom is a list box spanning the entire application window indicating information on the file transfers


To transfer files, one needs to:

  • Select the source file or directory in one of the explorer windows (the source);
  • Navigate to the destination directory in the opposite explorer window (the destination);
  • Finally drag the files from the source explorer window to the destination explorer window.
  • Confirm that the file transfer was successful by inspecting the information box at the bottom of the screen

Transfer files from Windows using WinSCP

Users working on a Windows-based local computer can transfer files to and from the UFS HPC using the Windows exclusive application WinSCP. WinSCP is free software and the latest version can be downloaded from the UFS mirror from this link.

After completing the setup process, users can follow the following instructions to start transferring files:

  1. Launch the program. On first launch the user will be confronted with this screen:


  2. Complete the information in the window, using your user authentication information:


  3. If you wish to save the site for future use, "Click on the Save button below the User name: input field. The following screen should appear:


    Tick the "Create Desktop Shortcut" checkbox if you want to directly connect to the UFS HPC from the shortcut in future. For security reasons we recommend that you DO NOT save your password.

    Click the OK button.

  4. You will be transferred back to the screen in step 2. Select the site you just created in the list box on the left and then Click on the Login button.


  5. A warning should appear, however the UFS HPC is a trusted host, so you may simply click the Yes button.


  6. The next window will ask for your password - Enter your password and click the OK button:


  7. If the connection was successful, the explorer window on the right should be populated with a directory tree of your Home directory.


  8. Follow the guide above to transfer files.

Transfer files from Windows and Linux using FileZilla

FileZilla functions in same way as WinSCP. It is included here, because it has cross-platform availability (meaning can be used in Windows and Linux). The Filezilla client is also free software, and can be downloaded from For Linux users, it may be easier to install FileZilla from their distribution's package manager.

After installation, follow these steps to transfer files to and from the UFS HPC using FileZilla:

  1. Enter the UFS HPC address ( and user authentication information into the relevant text boxes as shown below (Remember to use your own user account information):


  2. Click on the Quickconnect button next to the Port: textbox. If it is your first time connecting with FileZilla, you may be asked to confirm that you trust the host you are connecting to. Simply confirm.
    If your connection is successful, you should see the explorer window on the right be populated with a directory tree of your Home directory on the UFS HPC


  3. Follow the guide above to transfer files.

Transfer files from Linux using the Terminal

It is possible to transfer files from your Linux-based computer to the UFS HPC cluster using the command scp, which functions similarly to the cp command in the terminal. However, usage of this command is deferred to Linux 101 - Miscellaneous Terminal Commands

External Guides and Resources

  • No external guides are available.
  • If you know of a guide/tutorial that you have found useful, please help us share it by contacting the HPC staff at