Alphafold Submit Script Reference


This reference contains information on about which variables to change in the AlphaFold Submit script provided by the UFS HPC.

Please note that the line numbers for the variables may be subject to change (as the script might change). They are only provided as a relative guide to locate the relevant variables in the script.

For an explanation of the parameters that are mapped to the variables in this reference, see the Parameter Reference page

Required Variables

Line Number(s) Variable in script Alphafold variable Description
3, 9, 10 {job_name} - An appropriate title for the submission
33 FASTA_PATHS fasta_paths Path to current file(s).
47 OUTPUT_DIR output_dir Directory where output should be created. Path is relative to the directory created in step 2.
82 MODEL_PRESET model_preset Prediction model to use
102 IS_PRO_LIST is_prokaryote_list For multimer model only. Define whether the source of fasta sequences are of prokaryotic origin

Optional variables

Line Number(s) Variable in script Alphafold variable Description
40 DATA_DIR data_dir Path to the directory of supporting data.
58 MAX_TEMPLATE_DATE max_template_date Maximum date of structures to consider as templates. Any template added after this date will be ignored. The default is the current date and is automatically set in the script
69 DB_PRESET db_preset Preset for the MSA database configuration.
113 USE_PRECOMPUTED_MSAS use_precomputed_msas Use precomputed msas files - Please see the note below


To use precomputed MSA's do the following:

  • Set the value of the USE_PRECOMPUTED_MSAS variable to "yes".
  • Next, copy the directory containing the MSA's into a directory inside the directory that contains the submit script and the query fasta files.
  • Finally set the MSAS_PATH to the directory in the above step (Do not use the full system path, use the path relative to the working directory). For example: If the MSA directory named msa_done is in the root of the directory with the submit script, the path should be msa_done/